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Responsibilities and Privileges
A practical guide to choosing the right friends and being the right friend. Amigo, chum, cohort, compadre, pal, friend – the one who steps in when others step out. Friendship is the only relationship that can be added at any stage of life. You cannot always add a child or a parent, but you can add a friend at any time. Friendship is the mortar that binds all relationships together.
The focus of much of our world today is having a friend. “Are you my friend?” The Christian’s focus should be on being a friend. “Am I a real friend to you?” The purpose of this book is to highlight the great privileges and responsibilities of friendship. What a gift – a friend!
“Only one who has exhibited true friendship can write a book on the subject that has meaning. I have known Bro. Ray since our days together in Bible college over forty years ago. He practiced these truths long before he wrote about them in this book. Pastor Ray has not only studied the Scriptures to learn what defines true Biblical friendship, he has embodied the truths he learned.”
Pastor Terry Anglea (Illionis)
“Dr. Mike Ray once again displays his gift of encouragement in his latest book concerning friendship. His humor, wisdom, enthusiasm flow from the pages like a refreshing spirit to a thirsty soul. Such insight will help the reader gain friendship, but more importantly, will help one be a better friend. Dr. Ray has taught me and encouraged me through fifty years of friendship for which I am eternally grateful.”
Pastor Cecil Ballard (Iowa)
“Pastor Mike Ray knows what it takes to be a scriptural friend and has been mine for over three decades. After an exhaustive study of friendship in the Bible, Pastor Ray puts the cookies on the lower shelf so that every principle points to a hands-on, down-to-earth, real life application you and your family can live immediately—timeless truths for the young and the old.”
Pastor Clint Caviness (Oregon)
“Recently I read the book, Friendship: Privilege and Responsibility, by Pastor Mike Ray. If there is anyone qualified to author a book on friendship, it is he. Knowing Pastor Ray for more than twenty-five years has allowed me to observe his example of being a friend to many people, including myself. Fortunately, our paths have crossed several times over the years. Whenever I’ve gone back to the United States to attend a conference, it’s become a habit of mine to check and see if Bro. Ray will be there. I love to spend time with him because I always go away encouraged. The Bible examples of Biblical principles of friendship he brings to light in this book can be helpful to any pastor or Christian worker in preaching, teaching, or counseling. Every young person should read and reread this book because no one can escape the influence of a friend, both good and bad. Anyone who follows the Biblical principles found in this book will be blessed and wise in the friendships they have. Bro. Ray has been a friend to many, but most of all he has been a faithful friend to Him.”
Missionary Rick Martin (Philippines)
“I have just finished reading, Friendship: Privilege & Responsibility, by Mike Ray. Mike has taken every Bible verse and principle on friendship and addressed appropriately every possible nuance and meaning of what kind of friends to have and what kind of friend to be. In many instances, Mike takes principles from the Word that apply to friendship that never occurred to me. I love learning! There are quotable quotes that those of us in the ministry will profit from. Already some of Mike’s material has worked its way into my sermonizing (Thank you, Mike!).
In this book, there are Biblical and personal illustrations of people who did right because of certain friends and those who did wrong because of ungodly friendships. This book will be especially helpful in guiding our youth to use wisdom in not only choosing the right friends, but ultimately to have the wisdom from God in finding the mate God has chosen for them. I am blessed to hear from a man of God who practices what he preaches. Throughout our lives, people come and go, but friends – true friends – come and stay. I believe it to be true, “a true friend is one who walks in when the world walks out.” Mike walked into my life and never left. I look forward to carrying this friendship into Heaven. I love and appreciate Mike Ray. And he’s done it again with another practical book that will help us live this wonderful Christian life.”
Pastor Johnny Pope (Texas)
We always appreciate Bro. Ray’s books – they are encouraging, convicting, inspiring, but most of all, educating. Bro. Ray has such an envious, infectious way of living his life to the fullest, and in his books, he is laying down the principles and practical steps on how to do just that. This book on friendship is a “how-to” manual, a step-by-step Christian manual for overhauling your Christian life. The Biblical examples and practical applications are a nuts-and-bolts assembly plan for becoming the kind of friend God desires and designs us to be, and to influence others to become. Like all of Bro. Ray’s other books, it is an enjoyable, easy, and enthusiastic read, but it is also educating, and most of all, exhorting. Being and doing! Could it really be that simple? Read it for yourself and enjoy.
Pastor Mark Smith (Washington)
“I have known Mike Ray since Bible college. One of the things that I appreciated about him then is his extensive use of the Bible when he preaches. This book on friendship is packed full of Scripture and is really a Bible study on that subject. I so enjoyed the Scripture he wrapped around the truths about being a true friend. He gives thought-provoking questions about several of the “friends” of the Bible. I would enjoy using this as a Bible study as I read this book as well as keeping it on hand for a reference to get lessons for teaching on this subject. I highly recommend the author and this great book.”
Editor Loretta Walker (Christian Womanhood Magazine)